![]() Jump into The Pool for the News.
Managing Editor:
News Editor:
Sub Editor:
Political Editor:
Sports Editor:
Photo Journalist:
Graphics Designer:
Office Assistant:
The Pool Newspaper was registered in Sierra Leone in 1992 after fulfilling all the necessary requirements of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The paper first hit the newsstands of Sierra Leone on October 1, 1992. It is an Independent Newspaper with the Motto: ”OPINION’S FREE, FACTS ARE SACRED”. The paper was the first to expose the excesses of the then National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC) military junta led by Captain Valentine Strasser. Due to the critical stance of the paper, the then rulers mapped out strategies to silence their press critics, hence the promulgation of the infamous 1993 press bill championed by the then Information Minister, Mr. Hindolo Trye. Inspite of the fact that the paper fulfilled all the new requirements, it was denied registration. The paper rendered dysfunctional. Before the promulgation of the press decrees, the paper’s Managing Editor, Mr.Chernor Ojuku Sesay was arrested and imprisoned on three instances. Infact in December, 1992 during one of those arrests, Mr. Sesay was dragged to the office of the then Vice President, Captain Solomon Anthony James (SAJ) Musa where he was severely beaten by SAJ himself after which he was locked up for two weeks at the country’s Maximum Prisons, PADEMBA ROAD.( Read the 1993 report published by the Committee to Protect Journalist). The paper was resuscitated in 1996 after the exit of the military. When the democratic government was overthrown in 1997 the paper was one of those opposed to the use of force to root the military. When the AFRC junta was finally bowled out of office in February 1998 by the ECOMOG forces, the newspaper offices was attacked and vandalized. The Managing Editor was forced into hiding and some members of staff experienced constant intimidations and harassments. The paper was again forced our of circulation for the second time. After the signing of the Lome Peace Agreement in July 1999 the editor resurfaced. The newspaper started its publications again in August 9, 1999. Presently, the circulation strength of the paper is 3000 copies and comes out three times a week; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The paper is the largest and fastest selling newspaper in the country. It is undoubtedly an independent newspaper, which is not under the hegemony or payroll of any politician. Our staff is resolved to report the facts fearlessly and without bias, favour or sentiment. WELCOME TO THE POOL!
The Pool Newspaper Fifth Floor, 1, Short Street Freetown Sierra Leone. Tel/Fax: +232-22-220102