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APRIL 7TH 2000 What is it that is befalling this nation? In its entirety, it is nasty! People expected to be role models are systematically proving to be as worse as senseless beings. In fact the worst in society. They deserve no emulation. Their actions are a shame for PE to be proud of them as leaders of this once revered nation. Imagine the second most important authority in the executive arm of government selling the birth right of his compatriot for dirty, stinking US dollar notes. Worse of it to a foreigner who indulges deliberately into an action that is anti good-governance, by conspiciously showing money and forcing this myopic authority to inadvertently contravene government policy and abrogate the right of his compatriot. Yes,VP Demby, Deputy Minister of Trade, Theresa Koroma, Permanent Secretarty Trade, K.O. Bah, the entire senior staff of this Ministry have their hands stained with dollar bills from Diallo. This set constitutes the corruption class of 2000. PE believes Theresa Koroma was corrutpted on the day the Guinean tycoon Mamadou Patteh Diallo visited this city. What an interesting site, a jamboree at the Ministry. Demby had earlier had his own package, and by the time Diallo and his entourage including his con-agent Lamrana Sow reached the Ministry, Demby must have called Theresa on the phone ‘instructing’or ‘ordering’ her to issue a specific import licence to a Mr. Diallo. PE can say authoritatively that this order was carried to the letter. Theresa was seen shivering as if intoxicated with high expectations as she held a prepared licence heading for KO Bah’s office. PE overheard an expression of refusal based on principle. “I will not do that. It is unlawful. There is somebody, a native, that has the monopoly right over that particular Boss cigarette. Aren’t you aware of that?” was the person’s comment. This was short lived and suddenly there was an outburst of guttural laughter. The issue must have been negotiated. Then Diallo and entourage arrived. Like someone having a hand full of groundnut pills, and occasionally sending them for chewing, so was Diallo clutching hundred dollar bills in his hands. No protocol. Each and everyone introduced to Lamrana Sow was greeted with a note or two depending on the person’s status. This in fact provoked a tentative obstruction of work in the Ministry. There was an apparent commotion as everybody wanted their share. They were in an orchestrated way selling their fellow compatriot’s birth right to a foreigner who, back at his base in Guinea, may be saying to his own proud and honourable compatriots that he had gone to buy the Sierra Leonean authorities. This is a shame and an irritating, nauseating thing. Poor Kamtoko is now left to wallow in a complete mess with frustration. The authorities are forced to act despicably because of cheap dollars. Minister Mike must have also been given his own share. This is to ensure that no mouth shakes on the issue any more. Mr. Comptroller of Customs too? May be he has had his own bit. Can we continue with such a system when government policies and worse still the constitution are being deliberately and contemptously abrogated with impunity? This is indeed nasty. What fate is this holding for indigenous businesses in this country? Bravo, SLTU PE is quite happy that the teachers have returned to work after a two-week break. PE is sure the children are happy too as their parents are. If the strike action had continued, the children would have suffered most as Alpha Wurie did not care a cinch about their welfare. The standard of education would have continued to jump from the frying pan to the fire had it not been for the timely intervention of some concerned and patriotic citizens. Basically, governments’ attitude (both past and present) is negative. They always have what PE can call misplaced priorities. They tend to forget that without education, no nation can develop. They always forget that had they been starkly illiterate, they would not have smelled the corridors of power. Simple logic, eh? Unfortunately, when these people sit at the citadel of power, they always backpedal the education sector by relegating the teachers’ welfare to the background. And when teachers embark on a strike action to agitate for an improvement in their sordid welfare, some people cry foul. What is the use of a man working if he cannot feed his house, clothe his children or even pay his rent at the end of the month? How can a hungry man stand in front of well-fed pupils to teach? What respect will a poorly dressed teacher get from his pupils? The teachers are indeed in a very pathetic state. Nobody seems to care for them except their Union, the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union. PE is proud to say that this Union is bent on uplifting the status of the teacher from that of poverty to that of reverence. What people should realise is that the first gentleman of the State, Kabbah, sat in front of a teacher. So, as long as you can read the English alphabets, you have to accord the teacher all the respect he deserves. Unfortunately, when people like the politicians assume the mantle of power, they make teachers their arch enemies. Interestingly, at least two ministers in the present government were once teachers. Dominic Ngombu who referred to teachers as reckless people was a principal in Segbwema, and Alpha Tejan Wurie, the Education Minister, was teaching at Fourah Bay College. Today, they perceive teachers as no soberminded people. PE is therefore saying a big thank you to SLTU for making Alpha Wurie realise the importance of teachers. Non-Formal Education is welcome PE welcomes the Adult Education Programme commonly called the non formal education. Though introduced late into the Educational system, it is fast achieving its desired objective. It is late in the sense that other West African countries have introduced this system centuries ago. PE would like to thank the pioneers of this system because the rate of illiteracy is so high that if something is not done to reduce it, disaster will definitely strike us all. PE therefore lauds the efforts of the Sierra Leone Adult Education Association for its relentless efforts in providing basic education for the unfortunate adults. It is an open secret that Sierra Leone which was the Athens of West Africa has now become the most backward in terms of education. PE believes that if non-formal education schemes had been introduced much earlier, we would have been boasting of a high rate of literacy in the country. Of course PE knows very well that those parents that do not value education contributed a lot to the high illiteracy rate in the country. PE should therefore thank God because majority today are making efforts to ensure that their children get basic education at least. PE strongly believes that knowledge is light and power. As far as PE is concerned, Education is better than Gold or Silver. PE notices that women are now given greater motivation in terms of education as this will enable them agitate for their rights. PE believes that if this continues in the coming years then Sierra leone will boast of having reduced the high rate of illiteracy. PE once more thank the initiators. PE recalls that in the past women were particularly denied education because of early marriages. This unfair treatment meted out against PE’s womenfolk impacted negatively on the socio-economic status of women. PE believes that educating a man is educating an individual and educating a woman is educating a nation. So, let us educate the girl child by supporting agencies and other organisations that are advocating for the right of a woman to be educated.
APRIL 5TH 2000 If anybody says the present management of the National Power Authority is non-functional is only sinning against his soul. PE will tell that person for free that PE is enjoying the full blare of electricity. You see, the process of electricity distribution is so open and fair that PE knows exactly when PE is to get light. Can any body beat that? Definitely there are brains inthis part of the world. Indeed there are brains. Can anyone compare the present marvelous job being magically done by CEMAT to that of the moribund Mustapha Kargbo and co? No, definitely the two managements are poles apart from each other. In fact they are parallel lines that never meet. Whereas Mustapha Kargbo was always and perpetually crying for the age-old problems of the machines, CEMAT is saying, ‘Look, we can still use these archaic and outdated machines optimally and service our customers.’ PE wishes to doff PE’s hat to Pa Alhaji Tejan Kabbah for his vision and foresightedness. PE thanks Prezo very much for removing a square peg from a round hole. If Mustapha had continued to be there, believe you PE, the whole city would have been plunged into total and abysmal darkness. Oh yeh, Freetown would have been more of a grave than a city. Tenki yah, Pa Kabbah. To you, the new managewment, PE says bravo! You are doing a wonderful job. PE’s prayer at the moment and forever afterwards is for you to continue the good job until you are able to give PE and PE’s fellow citizens twenty-four hours electricity. PE understands you want to increase the present electricity tariff. PE is with you a million percent if you do it with fairness, sincerity and honesty. There is indeed a need to increase the tariff if people are to enjoy the services provided by NPA. But hey, wait a little! There is every tendency that some misguided and unprincipled detractors may want to fleece the poor consumers of their hard-earned currency. PE is therefore advising CEMAT to do it as expeditiously as they can so that the interest of the poorest consumer can be protected. Admirer writes PE Hullo friend, Nice to hear from me again I'm sure. It makes a pleasant reading when a friend writes another friend, doesn’t it? Ah PE, you are indeed great and mighty. Did you know that I went to your office sometime this week and saw your wonderful job? Nobody saw me. I just sneaked into your apartment, strode into the new computer room and marvelled at the new development. Where did you get that thing from? ‘Oh PE, you nar star for true’. Anyway, before I tell you what I found, I must sympathise with you for the hiccups you had with the internet last weekend. I understand (of course yes) that the problem has been amended. Thanks to the Almighty creator for protecting His slave. I also understand by the end of this week that ‘Talk To The World’ programme would have been fixed into one of the computers. Great! If that is done, PE, I will go there everyday to make calls to my friends all over the world. What a pleasant thing it will be. I will talk and talk and talk and talk until you say ‘ee du so’. Now back to the stealthy thing I did. I crouched all the way to your third floor, glided into the room and say hey! A new machine! Man, you are growing by leaps and bounds. No wonder your colleagues are always envious of you. But don’t mind them, PE, they are all licking their wounds. They will continue licking them until they die of heart attack. I know that some of them always go to your office early in the morning, pretending as if they are going there to say hello to you. ‘Nar for go spy. Kerr go, bring cam. Nar so den dae’. But don’t mind them. They are just finding problems for themsleves. Do you know why envious people are always unhappy, PE? It is simply because any time their colleagues score a goal, their hearts burn and burn. They gradually develop heart problems until they pass of. PE, I know you have a lot of enemies simply because you are rising above them. But if you listen to the noise of the market you will not buy anything. Do you know of the Chinese philosophy which states that a person should always ride a mule or donkey backwards. Do you know what that means? Well, listen! Go on with anything you are doing regardless of the noises around you as long as what you are doing satisfies your conscience and God. That’s my advice. Admirer. Night Armed Robbery Galore Does PE need to say that there is now a wide spate of armed robbery in and around the city? Of course yes, Freetown is now a city of bandits and armed robbers! No peraceful sleep for the poor, traumatised citizens. No respite for them even as they have been subjected to terror and nightmare for nine gruelling years. No rest for the ordinary ‘dregman’ after a hard day’s labour. Thieves, robbers, bandits, terrorists, you name them, keep on haunting the soles and of course the souls of the people. At night, you hear different sounds - pow, pow! kalai, kalai! boom, boom! - all coming from guns. What a sleepless night for PE! What a worrying night for the rastaman. A few days ago, a poor innocent gentleman was gunned down by armed men dressed in military fatigues. They also seriously injured two others to the point of death. On Monday night, PE was rudely awoken from a stream of sleep by a strange sound - the sound of a gun fired by a trained shooter. PE’s heart leapt into PE’s mouth, thinking that it was an April 2 invasion of the city. PE turned on PE’s back and stared blankly at the ceiling, waiting for hell to descend. PE did not have a wink of a sleep again till morn. Well, thank God and goodness, hell stayed where it was and PE was saved the agony of having to run for a dear life. It was only later that PE was told that a group of armed men dressed in military combat fatigues had gone to rob a house at Patton Street. What an enigma! PE does not know if the new people being trained as soldiers are the perpetrators or it is the old ones. As PE understands it, the robbers, four in number, were arrested by the joint military and police patrol team. Again, all of them had brand new guns and dressed in brand new military outfit. PE thinks a game is playing. Either the civilians are putting on these uniforms and do the act so as to mar the good name of the soldiers or it is the soldiers themselves that are tormenting the peopel.PE therefore humbly suggests to the Chief of Defence Staff, Mawell Khobe that all personnel of the army, be you old or new be disarmed forthwith. PE is tired with this rubbish. What do these sons of Satan want the people to live on? Enough is enough. Teach Nabih a lesson PE is utterly bewildered by the way foreigners mistreat indigenous Sierra Leoneans with abject impunity and go scots free. It is only in this country that such actions are condoned, much to the detriment of the citizenry. At any rate, this is not a surprise at all as it is a standard policy of authorities at whatever level to accept pittances as a prices for the inalienable and constitutional right of their compatriots. Once that ‘monkey-trick’ affair has been efficiently negotiated, to hell with you the citizen and, with a warm embrace, the foreigner, who may be outrageously wrong, is sent to heaven. No wonder even the Vice President, the number two man in the country, is notorious for that (Bo ee dae pan kill im brodar kamtoko for chicken-change, dollar - ha, ha, hae!). This is the system. PE’s brief analysis of the rottenness of this system is a prelude to what is currently underway between Nabih Abess and poor Susan Kumba Torwa. This girl is suffering seriously as a consequence of Nabih’s sheer brutality and inhuman behaviour and as a result of the government’s ineptitude to protect its citizen’s rights. This poor girl is about to lose her eyesight permanently because Nabih, feeling too big for his shoes, had beaten her in a fashion reminiscent of slave masters in the 16th century. Poor Susan, an employee of ,Mr. Toufic, elder brother of the brute had not gone to work for a day because of ill-health. Her mother had gone on her behalf to explain to the Abess family that same morning. The following day, poor Susan had managed to report for work as usual only to be met with merciless flogging from Nahim and Mrs Abess. Her head was reportedly banged several times against the hard wall, and was incessantly hit on the head with a shoe heel by Mrs. Abess. She was said to have fainted in the process. What a monster this Abess family is! It was only when Susan struggled to get to her parents that she was rushed to the hospital. Poor Susan is presently at the Netland hospital, and doctors say she may be permamently blind if immediate surgery is not done on her eyes. Poor Susan was taking good care of the Abess children and ensured she did not hurt them. But behold Susan was not cared for. She was considered by the Abess family as a nonentity, a tool that can be discarded when scrapped. And this is exactly what Nahim and family have demonstrated. Though the matter is in the hands of the Police, PE is sensing old monkey tricks. They will not mind dragging on with this issue as long as their pockets continue to be bloated. A clear case in this direction is the testimony of Nabih that PE overheard: that he has settled the issue of Susan amicably with her parents for Le250,000. PE sees this as a ploy to silence or detract the attention of the press (not paid up ones ha, haa!) and probably the few authorities that don’t compromise issues especially. How can Susan’s mother compromise her daughter’s eye sight for a filthy Le250,000? You see, this is how they have surreptitiously corrupted our authorities in this country. ‘Do whatever you feel and with money you are safe’. This is the popular parlance among the thousands of unscrupulous foreigners in this country whose tune we still continue to dance to. Justice must be seen to be done! As Nabih and family continue to prolong Susan’s grief by refusing to pay for her surgery, they should be taught a lesson, one that will serve as a deterent to any other barbarian of a Lebanese or whoever. In fact Nabih and family should be forced by law to care for Susan and if she subsequently loses her sight, they should compensate her substantially. Let justice be done. For it only through that can poor Susan’s citizenship be restored. MARCH 31ST 2000 Susan’s Bay an eye sore PE was on a visit at the Susan’s Bay last weekend, apparently to keep abreast with the ‘runnings’ in that entirely vital income-generating point. PE was expecting a congenial environment for such an important sector of this nation’s economy. Susan’s Bay has contributed immensely to the economic salvation of our ravaged nation and has proved that when given due consideration by the authorities, it is capable of performing more than what has already been recorded in its name. This notwithstanding, PE observed that the credit to Susan’s bay would not have been made possible without the total committment, dedication and the high level acumen of the senior collector, Mr Edward Sam Goba. Since this boisterous, but principled man took control of Susan’s bay, it has witnessed an increase in its revenue collection. From an appallling Le8 million to an encouraging Le12million. Whao! That is only PE’s observation. To the structures that form Susan’s bay. What an eye sore? On approaching the wharf from Meheux Streeet or Fisher Street, one never takes a rush to attempt descending the already dilapidated steps . PE before attempting first tried to measure the width of the steps.They are so narrow about 50cm wide. Considering the number of people flooding those steps at any given time of the day, PE wonders with what magic or extra strength they conduct their daily routine of ascending and descending. At one point, a chap with a bale of second-hand clothing on his head missed his steps, while struggling to regain control a cracked edge gave way under him. What pain this miscalculation caused the poor chap. PE was imagining what it would look like during the rainy season. PE was lucky for not being a victim of such neglected construction. PE was suddenly in the customs house itself. PE noticed that the three stores were lit either by candle or torch. The stores were completely dark considering the assorted baggages that are kept in there. PE wonders if it is not a nurturing point for fire disaster. Even the office of the senior collector, a tiny cubicle is a shame for that department. It is excruciatingly hot. The combined heat produce such a humid atmosphere that PE was forced to worry about the health of the senior collector and his staff. That besides, the exposure of the eyes to such darkness could render the workers blind and or myopic if they continue to work under such conditions. PE will not touch on the over crowding of this area.One needs to be extremely smart to check on the excesses of the too many security personnel engaged there, ECOMOG, SLA, police SM, CID, customs guards, etc. Mr. Goba must have exraordinary intelligence to be performing so miraculously at Susan’s bay. Let us be mindful of the fact that the Susan’s bay is now the most exposed berthing point for small boats from Guinea.We need to maintain a culture of maintenance on structures that bring income. Baby face demo PE is always at the centre of public affairs. Anything that concerns the public, especially at this moment of PE’s nation’s history interests PE most. Don’t consider PE to be an inquisitive oh! It is PE’s moral obligation to be there wherever and whenever. As such, when PE hears of demonstrations (whatever their nature) PE becomes geared up. It is PE’s imbued enthusiasm to be there as an observer or rather, to check on the excesses of some sheep- headed Sierra Leoneans that are not entirely appreciative of the relative security this nation is currently enjoying. It is no argument that this fragile peace of ours needs to be pampered and nurtured at all cost. Spurred by this instinct, PE was at the demonstration staged by the National Union of Sierra Leone Students (NUSS) on Monday 27th March, 2000 to observe. Initially it was heralded to be a peaceful demonstration. Behold! the term ‘peaceful’ turned to ‘violent’. The expectations of the authorities were shattered. ‘De skul pikin dem troway san-san na politicians dem gari’ By any means this was not surprising (why should it be ha, ha, haa!) It is no longer a secret that our politicians are still thuggery-minded. They cherish the sight of massacre, mayhem, annililation, destruction and vices that are anti development, progress and peace. PE with his powerful magnifying eyes watched through the throng of so-called students (PE wonders when they eventually become politicians; they would have already graduated in thuggery). PE predicted the consequence - violence. PE had been forewarned that these students were determined to cause trouble for the SLPP government. You see this issue of insincerity of the RUF is the concern of all ‘peace-loving’ Sierra Leoneans. This class of people are those persistently calling for patience and caution (this class was never listened to, ha! ha! haa!) You dare not express such thoughts in the open (thanks to the Lome Accord, or else your fate is tyre and petrol whoo!) In fact PE observed that authority is never given
to demonstrations that are construed to be anti SLPP.
PE submits that there are piles of burning issues on
which people may want to demonstrate. This urges PE to
apply for permission to allow PE and fellow pro- peace
activists to demonstrate against the following: The students fooled these sycophantic politicians that they were demonstrating against the intransigence of the RUF. Little did they realise that they had a hidden agenda of sabotaging the government. See what they did... Vandalized shops, brutalized fellow students (Ay! bo e shameful) Had the government known, it would not have granted permission to the ill-fated demonstration. Good Old Olu ... Part II Ha, ha ha, Oh, oh oh, fambul dem,unar cam oh. PE has caused an unbearable danger! PE three-footed Fifi, and Fifi whinned, whimpered, barked, neighed,growled and grunted: Foul oh foul. Well, good morning Professor Fifi Peepie Gordon Fart-fart Gowan. PE told you that the bashing was to come, and inshallahu, it will come until you get your senses right. By the way, do you know what Fifi means in the Temne language? Ha, ha my boy, Fifi is an ant that has an abdomen like the head of Poorie Olumboh Gorwan, the cocaine sniffer. It exudes the most pungent smell when crushed. Ha, ha! No wonder the Fifi man farted ‘pooh’ when he was clubbed by a colleague of his. Ha, ha, Fifi the mortal cannot tell the difference between an editor and a publisher (How can he when the man is always HIGH?). PE does not want to waste PE’s precious time on Fifi who boasts of having a Mistress Degree from the University of Everybody (ha, ha). Fifi, Mr Chernoh Ojuku-Sesay is not the EDITOR of PE’s paper. He is of course the PROPRIETOR, FINANCIER and PUBLISHER of THE POOL Newspaper. You understand that? THE POOL does not have a NEVER-TO-RISE Acting Editor. Ojuku is therefore proud to let you know, Mr Lecturer in Ancient Whiff-Planting, that he has a well-paid staff that do the trick for him. You understand that? But how can you when your field record is little known in Freetown!( Ha, ha). PE is again telling you that PE is not a member of SLAJ simply because when you were Secretary-General, you thought the Association was your personal property. You thwarted PE’s desire to join the noble grouping by viciously keeping the application forms. Very typical of an Ibadan MA graduate (ha ha). Mr. Fifi Smelly-smelly Dog Ant, the die is cast. You have been writing all sorts of nasty things about PE’s boss and other innocent people (even up to Wednesday this week). PE did not bother with you because PE had and still has PE’s wits around PE. But you see, with your mistress degree in Ancient whiff planting, you think you can write any rubbish against anybody and go scots free with it. PE has folded PE’s sleeve for the unending battle. Tell PE, Mr Fifi smelly-smelly, tell PE what is new in your press release? Is the news that Chernor Ojuku Sesay was accused of being a junta anything hidden? Only fifi Gordon didn’t know because he was busy searching for Shekito in the jungle. (ha ha). You Fifi were the very one that wrote all sorts of nasty trash against the gentleman who was running away for his life. You were the same guy that said Ojuku was hibernating in Masiaka, so ECOMOG should go for him. Almost immediately Olu, the Ibadan academic, led a team of investigators to hunt for Ojuku (fifis are expert human hunters, ha ha) Weren’t you the same person that hollered on Ibrahim Seaga Shaw in Senegal that he was a rebel? (the people of Dakar were bewildered as Cassamance rebels were very elusive). Fifi Olu was dismissed as a mentally deranged sub-human rebel catcher (there were too many rebels back home to arrest, ha ha!). Weren’t you the same destroyer that preached in favour of military intervention when people like Shaw and Ojuku were preaching against that? Are you still not preaching the same thing even as the Lome Peace Accord has been signed? Bo do yah, lef PE, Go drink en make yousef drunk as usual do yah. No, PE will never subscribe to your own brand of democracy. Never! What, Democracy with tyres and petrol? Democracy with ‘point, point’? NO! PE is a firm believer in Freedom of Expression and Association which you, Mr fifi peepie smelly-smelly Gowan does believe in. Your being a former ‘talker’ at Mount Olympus does not shake a string of PE’s noble hair. Your degrees have nothing to do with PE as PE has his. If you went to FBC, PE went there too. If you lectured, PE taught and is still teaching (Ha, ha). If PE is an imposter, then, sorry, Mr. Fart Fart, you are a principal coaster with your 10-ton bag of diamba always hanging loosely down your alcohol-weakened shoulders (ha ha). If PE disappeared ‘mysteriously,’ it was due to your reckless, heartless, devilish and murderous campaign to exterminate PE. You failed in that (ha ha). What have you to tell PE, Mr Sniffer? Absolutely nothing. PE is happy that you have sought refuge in SLAJ. Perhaps that will give PE the opportunity to become a member of the noble organisation. Ha, ha. Fifi the dog-human shit says PE is a misguided hustler, ha, ha. Fifi has finally lost his voice. He can no longer bark. Ha, ha! ‘Oh Fifi Olu Gordon, go wash yah before you tork anytin again’. You stink badly. One shower a month is not enough to wash away your usual lingering stench. PE is waiting for the TRIBUNAL which Fifi the Dog-man wants set up. This is just the beginning, Mr.sniffer (fifi is demanding another after Jonah’s, ha ha). The battle has just begun and PE is ready for it. PE is publishing your press release, and Mr. Chernor Ojuku Sesay has kindly consented to make a few comments. Fifi smelly smelly, bye for now. Expect PE again next week.
MARCH 29TH 2000 ‘We shall overcome, we shall overcome someday. Oh deep in our hearts, we shall overcome someday’ was the song chanted by students when they were filing to the Law Courts building. They said they were demonstrating against the slow progress of the disarmament of combatants. It started well at first with student leaders calling on the stakeholders to be sincere and committed. But things went out of hand when Eldred Collins was frog-marched to the podium to address the audience. Well, PE listened with rapt attention when old Collins was speaking. He said the same old thing that the RUF have been saying all along: we are committed to the peace process. For PE, Collins did his bit as he was not prepared to deliver a speech. But oh yah, the irascible students pounced on him and gave him a run for his money. His vehicle was destroyed and he had to do a 100-metres marathon to the Connaught hospital. PE understands no member of the RUF was invited to the occasion. How come then, PE would love to ask, Eldred Collins found himself there? What did he go to do there? He should have known that the mood amongst those students was not in favour of the RUF. He should have realised that an uninvited guest is prone to all sorts of humiliation and degradation. PE was astounded by the ferocity of the studnets’ action. Collins would have been killed if he were not as swift as a swallow. PE is not happy with this development. The students should have controlled their emotions and let sleeping dogs lie at least until after the disarmament process. What they did might send dangerous signals to the rebels. PE shares the students’ concerns. It is disheartening, disturbing and disenchanting to see those who caused tremendous suffering on the people riding big, eating fat and dressing gorgeously. But people have to forgive if peace is to hold; people have to respect the terms of the Lome Peace Accord if this country is to survive as a nation; people have to behave maturely if progress and development is to come. An estimated 45000 combatants are to be disarmed. Out of this number, about 22000 have been disarmed (courtesy professor Kaikai). More would have been disarmed if UNAMSIL had taken Sankoh and the MPs to disarm Kailahun and Kono. Is that not an encouraging sign that indeed the Lome Peace Accord is on course? Let us put our shoulders to the wheel and carry the peace process forward. The politicians are always the first to flee when things fall apart. A careful look at the slowness of the disarmament shows many people are to be blamed. PE will not be fooled by these greedy politicians any longer. They are responsible for the multiplicity of this nation’s problems. MARCH 29TH 2000
Good Old Olu..... PE is usually very peaceful and unassuming. Yes, PE hates to be construed as a braggart and impostor. PE’s philosophy has been and always will be, modesty, consistency and patience. This was why PE had never even considered engaging a celebrated drunkard and cocaine sniffer to a dialogue or press slanging. PE thanks good old Olu Richie Awoonor Gordon abundantly for initiating a process that would definitely lead to an exposure which would silence him permanently. PE thinks that Olu, the big mouthed, good-for -nothing and wasted from cocaine human species didn’t think about the repercussion his unguarded attack on PE’s colleague would bring. PE is amazed that the cocaine sniffing and dope smoking fifi Olu, self-confessed murderer, could sink so low as to fight in public with gentlemen (Pios and Jon) who PE want to personally thank for disciplining the irrascible and haughty imbecile. PE is not impressed with the false posturing bed-wetting (piss-a-beddy) Olu is selling out. Only gullible and importunate Olu would take offence and attack a piece of literature which, by its headline, implicitly means the author’s personal experience. PE is convinced that Olu’s impudence and bigotry, if left unchecked would infatuate him further and cloak his ego. PE is prepared to lash Olu more and promises to deflate the literal midget until his overblown self importance is obliterated. PE would like to assure the loquacious Olu Gordon that he has reached his waterloo and that his lousy character has received PE’s undivided attention. PE thinks it’s sheer lunacy that drove Olu into a neat trap that would cost him very dearly. Ha, ha, PE knew that the lascivious Gordon would poke his odious mouth on PE’s colleague’s article and, bingo! the cocaine addict and disciple of Bob Marley has fallen into an intractable web. PE detests, most vehemently, Olu Gordon’s objectionable remarks and frowns upon his obnoxious behaviour. As a matter of fact, PE upholds the inviolability of PE’s colleague’s proposed Novel. But of course PE knows that for all his obduracy, ‘Omolay’ Gordon (ha, ha) would not be stupid enough to invite another bouting match as he still smirks from the last bout with Pios Foray which resulted in a disaster for the farting Olu. What a shame (ha, ha). PE is gearing up to release a salvo of punches on the reddened ‘Omolay’ lips of the incorrigible Gordon that will be far worse than the one Pios Foray gave him. PE suddenly recalled that the unprincipled Gordon had called a press conference at the Sierra Leone Library Board in January 1997 in which he disclosed that he had resigned from the For Di People newspaper because Paul Kamara had become corrupt and had colluded with Wanza to defraud Sierra Leone of a collosal sum in dollars. PE still sees the resigned fifi (ha,ha) with his tail between his ‘pissing’ legs picking crumbs from Paul’s left overs. PE sees no difference between fifi the dog and fifi the cocaine Olu as they both vomit and lick their vomit(ha, ha). PE is aware that PE’s colleague author is no saint, but he’s no villain either. On the contrary, PE knows that the virulent attack on the said article was precipitated by jealousy and misplaced self righteousness. Watch out for Part two, the beginning of a long lecture on morality and principles (ha, ha) for smoking, drinking, pissing and farting fifi Olu Gordon, the cocaine sniffing human dog. Admirer Writes PE Hi friend, No communnication nowadays, why? Tell me, is that your style of friendship? I am beginning to believe that you are a fair-weather friend. If you do not stop being a bad coin, I will break your head into pieces. Anyway, PE, I have two or three burning issues that I want to share with you today. These are becoming an anathema to the peace, progress and development of this our Republic. The first one is the attitude of the Sierra Leonean. I may be committed a fallacy here, PE but I must say our attitude is retrogressive and destructive. We do not think positively at all. No wonder this nation is always writhing in pain, shame and squalor. No wonder we have virtually nothing to boast of as a people; and no doubt we are the least developed nation. What a big, big shame! What a monumental irony. A country rich in human and natural resources being devastatingly poor! Who are we to blame? Nobody but our egocentric selves; nothing but our terrible attitudes. Do you know the interesting thing in all these? Those that proclaim as being educated are paradoxically the destructive elements. Those that say they can read and write the ABCD are the terrible people that have driven this once beautiful nation into chaos, anarchy and doom. Just take a look at the politicians and see how they have ‘deranged’ our people; just turn around and notice the college students and laugh at the way they are being used, misued, abused and even overused by people in high places. These students are supposed to be the torchlight of progress and development; they are the beacons of peace and stability. But oh yah, my dear PE, it is the other way round. This brings to mind the ‘peaceful’ demonstration the National Union of Sierra Leone Students organised this week. By all indications, it was a good thing if it was kept within bounds. But the whole process went awry when an ugly spectable occured. I was there, PE right in front of the Law Courts building when it happened. It was pathetic and worrisome. One member of the Revolunationary United Front was almost lynched to death. Hadn’t he run for his life, he would have been a dead man by now. It all happened when a group of students saw Eldred Collins at the National Petroleum filling station and went for him. They said Colllins should talk to them. Well, the poor guy acquiesced and spoke about the disarmament process and reaffirmed his movement’s commitment to the Lome Peace Accord. No sooner had Collins shut his mouth than students ran to attack him. He had to make a dramatic escape and sought refuge in the Connaught hospital. For me, PE, this is a bad omen; it has sent a very wrong signal to those that still have the guns with them. These so-called students are throwing spanners into the peace process. What they are forgetting is that if the going gets tough, the politicians will just fly away and leave us at the mercy of the murderers. So, my advice to them and of course everybody is that, let us not do anything that will send us back to the terrible daysof doom, disaster, destruction and utter annihilation. Let us exercise some restraint. This country is ours. The second thing, PE, is the issue of a friend who has been marginalised and in fact even sacked from his place of work for this junta collaboration thing. Recently, I read in a local tabloid that the ‘junta comptroller’ of customs had resumed work which of course was a satanic lie. I know the man; he is my bosom friend. The writer of the article missed several points. One, Aloysius Fofanah has not resumed work; two, he is much more qualified than the present head of that place; three, Aloysius was coerced into taking an examination meant for undergraduates. And as you are aware, Aloysius has a Masters degree in a customs related discipline. How then can he sit to a pre-confirmation exams from which he was exampted? Four, the man is as clean as a piece of white cloth. He has nothing to hide. But what I will tell you, PE, is that if that paper does not stop writing obnoxious things about Aloysius, I will let hell loose upon the brain behind such character assassination. Wallahi, if the half-baked man does not stop his stooges from writing callous things about my man, I will definitely open a pandora’s box for him. I am warning him for the last time. If he does not stop, I will go to a press house and publish his O’level results. A word for the academic crook is quite insufficient. Good morning Admirer. MARCH 27TH 2000 Disarm All or none at all PE believes the principal objective of the disarmament process is to make Sierra Leone ‘a gun-free country’. But it is becoming crystal clear that either for covert reasons best known to the authorities that be or because of the seeming mistrust in the rebel alliance, not all of the gun-totters are deemed for disarmament. PE is saying this as a result of the looming tension of insecurity on the eastern axis of the country. A threat supposedly from the erstwhile RUF Field Commander, Sam Maskita Bockarie! PE hears he has mobilised a considerable number of guerilla fighters to launch an attack on the RUF stronghold of Kailahun. This is sending an electrifying wave of apprehension and pessimism to the vast majority of PE’s traumatised compatriots. The thought of a return to hostilities - warfare, lawlessness, and definite doom! This notwithstanding, PE believes the disarmament of all combatants- SLAs, AFRC, RUF and the CDFs- should be indiscriminate and not selective. Threat or no threat, let them all surrender their weapons! This will ensure the relativity of the peace Sierra Leoneans are yearning for. And for sure, this will ensure the progress of this dying nation. The confidence of Sierra Leoneans lies squarely in the total and unconditional disarmament of all combatants irrespective of their loyalty to what or to whom. What is certain is that all of them were active players in the war and equally so, they all committed atrocities which in collective terms have earned this nation the number one position on the list of nations with worse crime rate index in the world. If the problem is Maskita, then PE will also humbly submit (though with a bleeding heart, ha ha ha,) that all these protagonists retain their weapons until such time when Maskita’s threat is coiled down and also may be, those that be (those that want to remain glued to power, whao!), will want to use some, if not all, of their Davids and Goliaths to apply either the APC thuggery style (courtesy to Bra S. B. Marah) or the NPRC ‘soja’ pattern to gain more ballots. This is worrying because in spite of ECOMOG General Gabriel Kpamber’s view on the disarmament of all combatants, there is an opposing view that the CDFs should retain their weapons. PE was astounded when PE heard on Radio 98.1 ‘Meet Di Press’ programme that the CDFs are on the Mano bridge in case of any attempt by Maskita ‘to infiltrate our borders’. This was the Security Adviser, Sheka Mansaray. PE immediately calculated an implication of endorsement of the CDFs not disarming earlier. This is harbouring some doubts in PE’s mind. This country disfavours all forms of ‘yuki-yuki’ politics this time. PE is aware of the presence of ECOMOG/UNAMSIL. These together with the restructured army can take care of the situation. Since this has not reached its climax yet, PE submits that all of these disarm. Kabbah’s Ferry ... A death trap PE’s no cynic, but if recent developments within the transport sector are anything to go by, then PE’s compatriots will soon find out that they had jubilated a minute too early for a ferry whose history and performance they didn’t know anything about. PE’s shocked and amazed that this much talked about repaired twenty-year-old ferry is already sending ominous signals to the many commuters between the Freetown-Lungi sea route. PE, like many of his compatriots, joined in heralding the arrival, albeit delayed, of the ferry in Freetown recently. PE clapped and hallowed, admired and prayed fervently to God to guide and protect PE’s many compatriots that would ultimately use the only secure means of sea travel. But alas, PE found to his chagrin that the celebrations were premature. The only ferry, even if it is twenty years old and fished out of the scrap yard in a London dry-dock area, is not expected to give technical problems at this stage. This, sadly, seems to be the case as the old brand new British gift or, did I hear PE say loan, broke down less than two weeks after our President launched it and witnessed its maiden voyage at a lavish ceremony. PE is particularly worried given the tussle and draw-draw that is in motion over control of the ferry. PE is not suggesting sabotage, which may not be far from the truth but rather PE is pleading with the authorities currently managing the ferry to ensure that the lives of PE’s compatriots are not put in danger. PE is apprehensive because over the years this rather short distance has cost many lives in accidents that could have been avoided or casualties minimised if adequate safety measures were put in place. PE’s numerous friends overwhelmed him with their humour about the ferry. PE could hear some of his colleagues observe that the expatriate engineers and boatswain haven’t even stepped their feet on dry land yet and the ferry is already causing problems. PE can imagine and shudders to think what will happen when the ferry would have been left exclusively under indigenous management. PE hopes that contingency plans are underway to secure a second ferry. PE believes in the adage... ‘a stitch in time saves nine.” PE will get PE’s first true surprise if PE’s authorities do not procrastinate the issue of procuring another ferry to avert an embarrassing situation and save PE’s sea traveling friends unnecessary hazards. PE hopes that a word to the wise is... MARCH 24TH 2000 Give me my child!! PE joined the long line of men, women and children marching to launch a programme organised by the Catholic Organisation, CARITAS Makeni. PE started the march at the East end Police Station and trekked all the way to the Miata Conference Hall at Brrokfields. What a distance! But PE was happy to be among people calling for the release of all abducted children, and their reunification with their families. PE was happy to be among those calling for the stopping of the use of children as combatants. Yes, PE was there, right in the front row, listening to the speeches of the various speakers. PE was however very much disappointed! None of the leaders of the warring factions was there to give their commitment to the programme. What a big disappointment. Well, PE wasn’t surprised at all. These people - Johnny Paul Koroma, Foday Sankoh and Sam Hinga Norman have all disappointed the people in one way or the other. They have failed this nation. So, PE was there waiting to see if CARITAS would be able to change a somewhat unchangeable situation. People spoke and people heard. Commitments were made by the representatives of the Revolutionary United Front, the AFRC and the Committee for the Consolidation for Peace. All the abducted childred would be released, they said. But what is the truth behind their sugar-coated words? Is PE taking them with a pinch of salt? PE is waiting to see if these abductors will meet a deadline set for them by the UNICEF Representative, JoAnn Van Gerpen. PE is waiting to see if by May 15, the children will be released. PE is waiting to see if children will not be used as combatants any longer. Yes, PE is waiting anxiously to see the children reunited with their families. They have suffered for far too long; their rights have been snatched away from them. Today, they are drugged and trained to kill. Today, the future leaders have been traumatised. What is pathetic in all this unfortunate scenario is that, none of the warring factions is willing to accept that it conscripted and is still conscripting children as combatants. They keep on denying what is out and out a fact; they keep on shirking their responsibility of returning the children back to their families. They owe an apology to the children of this nation, they should be ashamed of making reckless statements about the children. PE is kindly asking the belligerents to stop using the children as combatants. Wurie versus Teachers Oh la, la, Alpha Wurie is in hot waters. Wow! The teachers have done it again! They have buffeted Wurie in spite of all his troubled oratory. The teachers are on strike. Alpha has lost the battle. No dice for him. PE took a walk along the length and breadth of the city of Freetown to ascertain whether the teachers meant what they said. True to their word, the teachers have withheld their services. Yes, they have thrown the punch at the Minister. From Goderich to Waterloo, no teaching; from Lungi to Massabendu, no schooling; from Masiaka to Kenema, no education. Alpha Wurie bowed his head in dismal shame when he woke up from his deep slumber only to find out that the teachers had given him the slap. PE was with Aplha Wurie some time last week at the Atlantic Hall, Siaka Stevens Stadium, when he was ridiculing the teachers. Do you know what he said? Alpha told teachers that it was they who asked Pa Kabbah to retain him in the Education Ministry, following their return from exile in Conakry, and today it is the same teachers that are asking for his dismissal. YES, that was what the almighty Minister said. “I will not go anywhere!” he bellowed. His arrogance could not let him talk to the teachers to cancel their action. Today, the pupils are bearing the unbearable brunt. Yes, they are suffering immensely all because of the callousness and wickedness of one man-Alpha Tejan Wurie. He does not care what becomes of the ordinary pupils as long as his children are attending schools and colleges overseas; he does not care a wink as long as he owns Ramzy; and he does not care a hoot as long as he can steal millions and millions of leones from poor teachers’ money. PE does not blame Wurie for being insensitive to the deplorable plight of the deprived and depraved teachers. You see, the thing is that he has never tasted poverty; he has never experienced deprivation and he has never known what a delay in salary payment is. He, of course, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he had his kernel broken for him by a benevolent spirit. No wonder when the teachers were crying foul, he dismissed them with a shrug. He went to Bo and Kenema, the SLPP Heartland, in his desperate but fruitless bid to divide the Sierra Leone Teachers Union, and narrated a different story. He painted a bleak picture of the executive of the Union. But it has boomeranged. He has woefully failed to avert this ugly situation. The teachers have sworn to their mothers’ breasts that until all their backlog salaries are paid, they will stay put. Where are you, bluff man Wurie? Public Eye wants to know! MARCH 15TH 2000 The Kono Voice Yes, it was a day in Freetown. A day that occasioned the expression of disgust, frustration and bitterness. A day that gave the opportunity of the most neglected people in this country to amplify their cries to the Almighty God, to Christ, and to Muhammad for their intervention. A day that allowed for these people- the Kono people- to ask their ancestors to take revenge for them on those people that have for the past nine years wreaked havoc, iniquities, terror and arson on their grandchildren. This day was Saturday, March 4, 2000. PE was there, bound by the obligation. PE was there to register PE’s unequivocal concern over the slow pace of the DDR, the continued occupation and plunder of of Konoland on the one hand, and to project the image of Kono both to the government and the international community on the other. Konoland has suffered and continues to suffer , Kono people too have suffered. That was why all those that were present at the rally wore some semblance of deception, feeling of distress and nostalgia. These were identified on every face. The faces rumpled, wrinkled twisted, sunken and pale. The countenances of these faces have one thing in common, that is, destitution, nostalgia and the desire to return home. They indeed danced and sang. But these were only to dramatise their feelings in a somber mood.PE wished PE was given the opportunity to speak. PE would have simply asked: Would you take away all the diamonds and give us back our land? PE wished those demonic minerals had not been discovered in Kono. This discovery has been a curse rather than a blessing to Kono And now look at her children. They are drowned in an abyss of deliberate neglect by their governors. Had PE spoken on that, PE would have asked God: Why did you make us, the Konos, so small in number? It is basically because of the Konos’ numerical strength that those in the majority that they suffer all sorts humiliation and deprivation. Why did God do that to the Konos? It is not that they are not intelligent or hardworking. The socio-political system introduced in this rotten country since independence is to blame. God should have upgraded the population of the Konos to parallel their wealth. This would have made the difference. PE watched those old men and women that were not used to sitting under the heat of the sun, but only for pleasure, dripping with sweat singing sonorous melodies for those human satans that have provoked their suffering. These old men and women have a worrying scintilation in their minds. Their hearts are heavy. Most of them have died untimely deaths because of frustration and loss of hope. Is there any future for these people, their children and perhaps grandchildren? The children, particularly, have no hope or guarantee to build new houses as the ones built by their parents have been destroyed as a result of war. The perpetrators of these crimes show no remorse for their heartlessness. PE saw tears of sorrow rolling down PE’s cheeks, but they were covered by show of elation because of the unexplained absence of most of the invitees to the rally. No representatives from government, Campaign for Good Governance, Ecomog, RUF, UNAMSIL, etc. PE saw this as a deliberate attempt to frustrate the efforts of a dispossessed and deprived people. The people only needed words of encouragement to boost their lives. To PE it is a clear demonstration of the type of politics practised by so-called elites in this country. They only pursue things that are of interest to them. But again PE is aware of the fear of persons who would not have the courage to face the very people they had trampled upon, abused and mutilated.The guilty are always afraid indeed!. No doubt these guilty monsters are afraid of reprisals. What a shame. PE says ‘ BABOO EYE OH’! Hard-Hearted S.B. PE is concerned about the hard-hearted nature of one of this nation’s oldest serving parliamentarians. PE is referring to Honourable Sewa Bockarie Marrah of Ferensola Fame who can also be addressed as Twentieth Century Mr APC Thug Number One now a member of the SLPP in the Twenty First Century. Recently Bra Sewa bought an extraordinarily expensive Mercedez V-boot car out of his own pockets. This does not mean that PE is jealous of this questionable achievement by Mr. Thug oh. On the contrary, PE is concerned because at this point of the nation’s turbulent history, a whole representative of a people could develop the gut to purchase such an expensive luxury item. Bra Sewa’s people in the north, specifically in Kabala and its environs are amongst the worst suffering in terms of humanitarian assistance. Those that managed to escape the horrors of rebels and are now in Freetown in very deplorable conditions in displaced camps scattered around the city. To demonstrate his true statesmanship, PE was expecting Bra Sewa to hold his breath and sponsor a kind of humanitarian programme for his people, instead of showing his misplaced priorities for vain and worldly pleasure. PE observed that the action of Bra Sewa is a deliberate and ill-advised act that may discourage NGOs who might be contemplating on venturing into Koinadugu to ameliorate the sufferings of the people there. That car which is reported to have cost a staggering US$100,000 plus a fat clearing sum (this is questionable) and another Le700,000 for a special number plate (SBM-001) is an insult to both the people of his constituency, Sierra Leoneans and the peace process. This colossal sum is enough to disarm two thousand of those rebels who continue to inflict sufferings on his people. Further PE thinks Bra Sewa could have performed some cosmetic humanitarian donations to his suffering people by just sharing a cup of rice to some of them, and getting a number of paid-up press houses to blow that out of proportion. That would have made an improvement on his chequered career and notoriety for poor governance. But alas! Bra Sewa has a heart that is as strong as a stone. He seems to be enjoying himself at the sight of his kith and kin dying of hunger and malnutrition. PE overheard him bluffing the other day that he wanted to retire from politics. What a welcomed news to PE! This is because if Bra Sewa continues to be at the helm of politics in Koinadugu, there will be no Koinadugu. He cares for nobody but himself, family and immediate relatives. PE is not expecting Bra Sewa to take responsibility for all his constituents (of course he will never do that) but he should realise that it was through them that he became what he is today. But PE thinks the Bra has wisely advised himself to vacate politics. Or else Bra will swear the day and damn the hour come next polling. He knows that quite well. But oh ya! he is spearheading the retention of the PR system which may cause him to change his mind. But even if that happens, PE is assuring Bra Sewa that PE will be right there at the vanguard to campaign against him. The people are tired of your callous and hard-heartedness. Mike, where are you? PE is forced to ask RUF Mike Lamin what his Ministry’s role is in the current stand-off between Kamtoko and Jagiko with regards to the importation of Boss cigarettes. From all indications, it seems as if a huge bribe has been offered by Jagiko to some senior officials of the Trade Ministry to snatch away the licence from Kamtoko. Yes, PE knows that Jagiko spent thousands of dollars as bribes for that. Yes, Jagiko went to see Vice President Demby and perhaps greased his palm with crisp new dollar notes. Yes, Jagiko took the crook and corrupt Trade Ministry officials by surprise by showing them a whiff of dollars. Yes, Jagiko is offering cows as sacrifice just to steal the rights of a Sierra Leonean. Bravo, Jagiko. Keep up the good work. PE does not blame you at all. In fact PE commends your valour and ‘patriotism’. You see, Jagiko, this system is so rotten that a few cents can do a lot of miracles. And that is exactly what you did. PE’s concern however is the somewhat lacklustre attitude of Minister Lamin towards this sensitive issue. PE cannot understand why the Ministry refused to renew the licence of Kamtoko. PE shrinks with disgust at such unpatriotic behaviour by highly placed civil servants. Such an obnoxious thing will never happen in Guinea. Sierra Leone should actually be for Sierra Leoneans and not foreign extortionists. It is a pity and a shame that a young enterprising citizen of the soil has been deprived of his fundamental rights. It is disgusting to know that even the second-in command, Demby has a dirty hand in this. And it is horrendous to experience the cold, chilly behaviour of the government towards the plight of the masses. What a shame. PE does not want to know who imports what, as long as it is done through the right channel. Kamtoko apparently has a fourteen-year monopoly right over the importation of Boss cigarettes. But because he is a Sierra Leonean, that right has been taken away from him and given to a foreigner, who is now claiming to be a Sierra Leonean. This is the paradox of the millennium. It is now a curse to be a Sierra Leonean. If you want to be thrown into hell, just be a Sierra Leonean. Hush o, hush, Kamtoko. Had you known, you would not have been a Sierra Leonean. But definitely, time will tell. One day, the citizens will rise up and say no to this rotten system. MARCH 13TH 2000 It’s a Rebel Paper! Oh yah, this country will always remain to be in the doldrums if the destructive elements are not rooted out. This is no joke - until something is done, no development will take place. Can you imagine people still have ‘bad hart’ for their very own colleagues? Yes, there is ‘bad hart’ galore. Sweet readers recently, your favourite Pool newspaper secured a web site so that it would be able to send its stories into the internet so that people all over the globe can read. And indeed, PE sent its maiden newstory last week. It was well received. I say it was well well received all around the globe. However, some politicians are not at all happy with that. Do you know what these ‘Kaka-belleh’ people did? Hear it: They wrote to Africa News Online telling the organisation that The Pool is a rebel newspaper, and that they should not accept PE’s stories. Wah, wah, wah. They’ve tried, they’ve failed. They are trying again. This time, the Kaka-belleh politricksters went as far as nakeding themselves by telling an impartial news organisation that PE is a rebel. Thanks so much for the effort. But PE will tell you for free that this time again, you have been defeated. PE is gradually becoming African News Online’s baby. PE will continue sending tantalising news into the internet. Hush o, hush, Mr Jittery. PE will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. Nothing, except God, will stop PE. So you irrascible and bell-bottom tricky politricksters, you can go jump into a pool (not PE’s Pool) and quaff some doses of water if you do not like what PE is doing. And let PE tell you tiffy-tiffy politricksters that PE is not a rebel. PE has a job at hand and until it is done, PE will know no rest. It is you that are rebels; it is you that have caused the perennial problem of poverty and it is you that raped and continue to rape the virginity of this sweet land. Look at your funny faces. In fact, if PE had the power, you would not have been there, saying all sorts of rubbish and trash. Can you stop
PE from going international? So shame on you and your bootlickers. PE is stronger than you think; PE is indefatigable; PE is invincible and PE is untouchable. The best thing you can do is to sulk and sob. You can brand PE with any name. PE is not bothered. It is a rebel. You have said it for the umpteenth time. If you had the chance, you would have killed PE in cold blood. Afterall, you kill children yet unborn. But no! God is PE’s protector and succour. PE will continue to rise, and grow, you can go to hell. All of you and borbor gberie the confused man can go with you too. What a sleepless night for PE PE is an inhabitant of Circular Road, the central part of the capital of Freetown. PE frequently suffers from sleepless nights as Church attendants who proclaimed to be All night worshippers drum and sing throughout the night. PE believes it does not behove any peaceful citizen to be disturbed by any other citizen. PE is also religious but not fanatic. PE believes in the two religions, Islam and Christianity. On several occasions, especially on Fridays, some Churches that are close to PE’s residence always echo in thunderous voices, singing and cracking their drums with the pretext that they are worshipping God. PE is vividly aware that everybody has the right to a religion but that does not mean a person should disturb another while performing prayers especially at mid night. PE could recall that during the month of Ramadan, a muslim worshipper who preferred to wake muslims up to prepare food and get ready for morning prayers was attacked by a neighbour for disturbance. PE therefore advised the prayer caller to abide by the laws of the land. PE strongly believes that these is a loose division in both religions in Sierra Leone as compared to other countries. And PE does not believe in the Sharia because everybody has the right to his/her religion. PE’s suggestion therefore to these worshippers is, let them pray in silence without drumming during mid night hours so that other people will not be disturbed while they are fast asleep. PE believes that sleep is natural and every human being should have a rest especially during the night hours. What really baffles PE nowadays is the manner of worship in several churches in the country. In the days of old and even in the early eighties, church worshippers conducted their prayers silently. But there has been a dramatic change. But who is PE to question that? PE will once on a while visit certain churches and pray silently to Almighty God to change PE’s fellow citizens’ attitude. The last word for PE’s Christian brothers and sisters is, desist from drumming and singing loudly while other people are fast asleep.
The Pool Newspaper Third Floor Suite, No. 1 Short Street Freetown Sierra Leone, Africa. Tel/Fax: +232-22-220102