THE POOL NEWSPAPER Opinions' free; Facts are sacred ![]() Fish for the news in The Pool
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TODAY'S HEADLINES FROM FREETOWN: will now be in this space THE FOLLOWING ARE THE SENSATIONAL REPORTS FOR MARCH 22ND 2001 Police aid Lebanese to escape justice Very, very impeccable sources have confirmed to this press that the notorious Lebanese criminal, Nabih Abess and his wife, who both combined to beat up a Sierra Leonean maid working for them, Susan Towah to the point of death have escaped and are now in Abidjan. Our source said the escape of Mr. and Mrs. Nabih Abess was facilitated by the police despite the fact that the two were facing criminal charges in court. When contacted, the Commanding Officer at the Non-Citizens Division at Immigration, said he cannot confirm whether Nabih Abess and wife have escaped because both are among those on travel ban. Lately, the victim, Susan Towah who is now almost blind, due to the merciless beating with sticks and iron, and her solicitor have been appearing but the accused is nowhere to be seen. Doctors have already advised that Susan can only regain her sight if sent abroad for treatment. Five deported Lebanese: Three Ministers bribed The SLPP government has announced the lifting of deportation ban on five Lebanese nationals but asked members of the Public to come up with concrete evidences if any, why any one of them should not be allowed to return to Sierra Leone. The five deported Lebanese whose deportations have been lifted are; Sahid Antar, Hashim Hussein Hashim, Mrs. F.T. Saad, Ibrahim Bazzy and Kazim Ibrahim alias Kazim Koroma. Many citizens, including the Ombudsman, Francis Gabbidon views government action as unneccessary and unfortunate. Gabbidon argued that a Lebanese,like any other Sierra Leonean must face the full penalty of the law if he/she does anything against the laws of Sierra Leone. “If found guilty must also be sent to jail like it is done to Sierra Leoneans.” Gabbidon remarked that it is ridiculous for a government to keep deporting foreigners and later allow them to return. Christopher Coker, a political journalist alleged that three top government Ministers and Parliamentarians (names withheld) have been bribed by relatives of the Lebanese to fight their case. Coker said the government must not even consider lifting the ban of the deported Lebanese. He said such a decision will be an act of irresponsibility and immorality on the part of the government. Others argued that the deported Lebanese must be allowed to return to contribute to the economic development of the country. Lilian Lisk Owes Worker $2,200 The Management of Okekey Agency owned by Lilian Lisk is refusing to pay the eleven month salary of one of its workers, Samuel Cole totalling USD 2,200. The victim,Samuel Cole was onboard one of Lilian Lisk’s fishing trawlers, POONGLIM II when he was stabbed on the arm by one of the Koreans in the trawler on their way from Guinea Bissau. Cole was abandoned in Conakry, Guinea, where he managed to pay his medical bills in a Conakry hospital through the assistance of Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Guinea, Dr.Sheku Saccoh. The accident occured on March 27, 2000. Upon his return, Cole was only given $4000 as compensation, though management had agreed to refund his bills and compensation totalling $13,980. However, this press learnt that Cole accepted the $4000 since it was already evident that the company was not ready to pay the USD13,980. In another letter, Okekey management agreed to pay Cole’s outstanding salary of 11 months totalling USD 2,200. For the past three months, the Okeky management is refusing to pay the salary despite several letters written by Cole’s Solicitor. No worker at Okeky was ready to comment on the issue when contacted. Met-Chem Swims In Corruption One construction company that could best be described as useless is the Met-Chem Construction Company which few years ago, won the contract to repair roads in the Western part of the city especially, Brookfields. Taking a drive around the Brookfields vicinity, Me-chem is yet to undertake a complete repair of the roads despite the fact that they started the work since 1994. For the past four months when Met-Chem commenced the repairing of Campbell Street, nothing significant has been done. The workers and their outdated machines continue to create unnccessary traffic jams along this major street. Investigations carried out by this press revealed that because of the miserable salaries the company is paying to its workers, the workers have engage in massive stealing of materials meant for the road repairs. The workers steal iron rods, cement etc and sell to people within the area. Some workers even undertake the construction of mini shops and gutters for private people with the company’s materials. The general perception of the public is that Met-Chem is not a road construction company and therefore their contract must be terminated. Witch Hunt, Many Flee To Tombo Some of the inhabitants of Plantain Island are said to have fled to Tombo village for what they described as open witch-hunting within the Island. According to reliable sources, the witch hunting syndicate started when one Mr. Amadu Zulu hired a female witch doctor to perform her ceremony and capture some of the witches and wizards that are against his progress. Mr. Amadu Zulu is a strong fisherman in Plantain Island, but for the past years, his fishing career was said to have been deteriorated and for that reason he decided to seek the services of a female witch doctor. Sources stated that during the witch doctor’s performances, she was said to have captured some members allegding that they are witches and wizards and were exhibited to the public. The female witch hunter was reported to have poured some enshrined liquid to all the wells in the Island. The reason for the action was said that any witch who drinks from the wells will die. Most of the people considering themselves guilty were said to have fled the Island to nearby villages and majority to Tombo Island in the Peninsular area. ACOTIDA To Wage War On Foreign Poacher A meeting was organised by the Agricultural Community and Timber Development Association (ACOTIDA) in collaboration with the Forestry division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Resources last Sunday March 18, 2001 at the Labour Congress hall. In his opening address, the Chairman ,Mr. Abdul Kassim who is also a strong member of ACOTIDA and a Trade Unionist said the main reason for the formation of the Association is to develop and promote Sierra Leone adding that the associaiton has the right to protect members against foreigners that are exploiting our land. Mr. Kassim expressed dissappointment over the absence of the Minister Okere Adams and his Director F.K. Allieu. The Secretary General of ACOTIDA, Osman Kamara said the Forestry division has failed .He said up to this time the Ministry cannot tell the nation the number of timber stores and timber power- saws that are in the bushes , adding that the continuous deforestation will lead to draughts, diseases and deaths. He recommended the re-introduction of the the issuance of licences, to know the number of machines and sources of supply; allocated areas of operation. In Memoriam 24th March marks the 3rd anniversary of the late Paramount Chief Bai Koblo Pathbana II of Marampa Chiefdom, Port Loko District, aged 86. Three (3) years have gone by since you passed away, but to us is just like yesterday. May your soul rest in perfect peace and may light perpetual shine on you. By your wives, children, in-laws, Pa Roke Kamara, Chiefdom People and other relatives at home and abroad. PUBLIC EYE Shameless Activist/Journalist One amazing thing about the character of certain human beings is their ability to manoeuvre their actions to suit the trend of happenings within a given period of time. This has been one outstanding observation PE has made in Paulifoot Camara, a celebrated crook. For PE to learn of this man accusing PE’s mouthpiece of receiving cash from Abass Bundu for campaign purposes against President Kabba, is the most unfortunate thing he has ever engaged himself in. By the way, PE would like to ask whether the dictums: “Junta collaborator” “Junta sympathiser”, “RUF collaborator” or “RUF sympathiser” are news any longer? But this shameless, useless and good for nothing nincompoop in the person of Paulifoot Camara, continues to use these phrases against potentially useful persons, with the sole aim of damaging their image. PE is rather disappointed at a so-called Activist, expected to be an advocate of peace, justice, human rights and an equitable society to ensure a peaceful co-existence falling in a cesspit full of decayed faeces because of his stomach desire for self-aggrandizement. PE feels saddened for a so-called activist to be compromising principles just because of self centredness, greed and opportunism. PE feels broken at heart to see Paulifoot Camara, dragging the name of activism in the mud because of sycophancy. PE feels seek at heart to see the good images of the Martin Luther Kings, Muhatma Gandi’s, Wallace Johnson’s and the Nelson Mandela’s true activists, been bastardised by an academic delinquent, purporting to be a human rights activist. Paulifoot Camara is a disgrace to the cause of human rights organisations. Is Paulifoot Camara aware of the fact that he is closely connected with Sankoh and his RUF more than any Sierra Leonean can imagine? PE is of course aware of this. PE recalled vividly when Foday Sankoh visited the Komeh Building at 1 Short Street, on Tuesday, 12th October, 1999. PE also recalls the discussion of camaraderie and heart-to-heart that transpired between Sankoh and Paulifoot. PE has it on record, when Paulifoot advised Sankoh to be very accommodating with the press, especially his “For Di People” newspaper. It was then that Paulifoot told Sankoh of the need to strengthen the Northern connection and talked of his (Sankoh) popularity among the grass roots irrespective of what has happened in the course of his campaign. Paulifoot is on record PE has accounts of monies that were disbursed to Paulifoot on the basis of his suggestions by Sankoh, through Eldred Collins. Le2.5 million was first sent to Paulifoot through Gibril Massaquoi. Gibril himself disclosed those details to late the Augustus Mye-Kamara. Successive disbursements were made to Paulifoot’s blue eyed ‘cub-reporter’, and these amounted to millions of leones. PE is reliably informed by an inside For DE People source that, a friction ensued between Paulifoot and one of his subordinates with regards the quota given to him. . PE is also informed by this same insider source that once money is paid to this false preacher of human rights, he can easily distort and concoct stories to fit the interest of his client. It is this same Paulifoot and his For DE People that are now pointing accusing fingers, baseless as it is, on PE for allegedly receiving money from Abass Bundu? This is a shame bra. It’s better you lick your arse in public. You cannot fool Sierra Leoneans. Paulifoot and Sankoh are all the same. While Sankoh and the RUF were killing and looting in the provinces, PE observed Paulifoot and his For DE People stooges were feasting on the blood money of innocent victims. So bra big fool Paulifoot you better lock your stinking arse before PE starts publishing receipts of Foday Sankoh’s payments. Commentary For Di People Is Rubbish For Di People newspaper in its last Tuesday’s edition, carried a front page story headlined “NINJAS PLAN FOR KABBAH”, blatantly accusing The Pool as been sponsored by Dr. Abass Bundu and Dr. Sylvia Blyden to carry a propaganda campaign against the government for the release of Foday Sankoh and AFRC-RUF recognition in ECOWAS countries. In a simple and straight forward response, this press would like to repeat that The Pool newspaper is a totally independent newspaper with no financial assistance from anybody or group of individuals. The newspaper is wholly and solely published through the financies of its Managing Editor, Chernor Ojuku Sesay and nothing else. This statement can be testified from the haphazard way the paper is presently published. While other papers are coming out daily, The Pool can only afford to come out thrice a week. The fact remains that when papers run out of materials, editors concoct all sorts of useless stories to tarnish the images of others. But should one be surprised of the said allegations coming out from For Di People newspaper? No! After all, this is not the first time, not the second, third but on several occasions For Di People had levied baseless accusations on The Pool. For the attention of the general public, let’s just outline the numerous allegations against one Paulifoot Camara, editor of For DE People newspaper. 1. Paulifoot Camara, in 1996 lobbied to be appointed Minister of Lands in the NPRC junta. He served for one month and collected a cool Le30 million cash as compensation. 2. Camara used his position as Minister of Lands to allocate himself a vast acre of government land. Anti corruption, please investigate. 3. Camara is not a rebel collaborator but Sankoh paid him a visit at his office when Sankoh visited 1 Short Street. Paulifoot requested Sankoh’s telephone number, since then, he’d been demanding financial assistance from the rebel leader. The first cash was a whooping Le2.5 million cash. Can he deny? Ask his errand boy Benja... Pal ... 4. Paulifoot failed to account for over Le 3 million as contributions from individuals on behalf of Leone Stars when he was Team Manager. 5. Camara, as Team Manager of Leone Stars introduced dice gambling among Leone Stars players. 6.He was in serious love with one of his Secretary (Sextary) named Ai... He rented her a room and parlour apartment. The no-nonsense girl grabbed a cool Le 2.5 million and abandoned the office. No alarm was raised because the girl promised to blow off the lid. 7. Paulifoot Camara’s office is a brothel. Come at 1 Short Street on Sunday’s and see how his concubines, preferably teenagers, queue for their sexual rounds. 8. Camara lied that when rebels attacked Freetown his office was burnt and all his computers razed when the fact remains that no rebel entered 1 Short Street. He’s been sending series of letters to international NGOs soliciting help What a cheap way to sell the credibility of your country for “coco-yebeh”. 9. Camara was bribed by Lilian Lisk with a Mercedes Benz 200 to stop attacking her. He refused to disclose the deal to Prof. PEEP. Therefore, peep’s continuous attacks on Lisk is causing serious embarrassment on Paulifoot. 10. Camara is presently a disappointed and frustrated bloke. He lobbied frantically to be appointed Youth and Sport Minister by Presdident Kabbah. But Kabbah, knowing the type of person, turned him down. What a shame. 11. The attack on Pool did not come as a surprise. For DE People was on the forefront calling for the death of Pool’s editor, Chernor Ojuku Sesay in 1998 when, Ojuku was in self exile at his village. During this period, Camara invited Ojuku’s wife in his office, offered her Le20,000 to seduce her. The lady refused and reported the issue. Is such a man fit to be among decent people? More next issue. MARCH 15TH 2001 Konikay Ceramics Factory Start Operations By Bilal Turay A cross section of Parliamentarians and Paramount Chiefs stormed at the Konikay Ceramics Factory at Mathainkay village, in the Waterloo Rural District ,last Saturday, March 10. In his welcoming address, Hon. Dauda Kamara who chaired the ceremony said the programme is implemented by Hon. P.C. Bai Kurr Kanagbaro Sanka II who is also the Coordinator of the Project, adding that the project is geared to soften the problem of building materials in Sierra Leone and also to create job opportunities for youths in the Waterloo community and beyond. P.C. Bai Kurr Kanagbaro II commended the newly elected Speaker of Parliament, Justice Cowan and the UN Representative, Oluyemi Adeniji who is the grand Chief Patron in making the programme a success adding that the UN representative is the father of the project. He said the project started at Masingbi in 1993, but because of the war the project is moved to Waterloo, adding that the project is dealing with eight women and 85 men adding that the factory has produced hundred thousand bricks and still determine to make more bricks. Chief Adeniji commended the Paramount for the initiation of the project especially at this point in time. Speaking to the press, the Technical Manager of the Konike Ceramics factory, Mohamed Gabber Kanu said the project started in Waterloo on 20 December 2000.He said there are intentions to make clay plates, stoves, cups. Other dignitaries present at the occassion include Hon. S.I., Kamara, Hon. J.S. Bangura, Prof. Kosso Thomas, Hon. Moiwo, Mr. Monner Director of Housing and members of the National Authorising Office (NAO) . Pastor Appeals To RUF For His Son’s Release The Pastor of Kambia’s “His Mercy Endureth Forever” Pentecostal mission, Pastor George Iyomon has made a passionate appeal to the RUF rebels to release his son, Ivor from the RUF run prison in the North. According to Pastor Iyomon, his son, Ivor, was abducted by the RUF rebels in November 1999 after they attacked Makeni. Ivor, was running his father’s outreach educational programme in the Makeni environs at the time of his abduction. Because of Ivor’s educational level, he was appointed by RUF’s Brigadiers to be their accountant and bookkeeper even though he was under de-facto imprisonment. He was soon entrusted with several other important jobs such as counting and storing the rebels’ diamonds brought in from Kono. It is alleged that Ivor was all the time planning his escape and that during the bombing of rebel bases in makeni in July 2000, Ivor used the chaotic opportunity to not only steal his RUF bosses diamonds but he also stole a large amount of cash and escaped towards the Guinean border. At the border, he was arrested by fighters of RUF’s Gibril Massaquoi’s squad who turned him and the diamonds and cash back over to Makeni. Ivor has been in detention ever since then and no one has been allowed to see him. Pastor Iyomon is appealing to the rebels to please release his son in the name of peace. “They recovered all their diamonds and money, let them release him now. He has suffered too much,” the man of God pleaded. “If they release Ivor from jail, it will be a sure sign that they are sincere about wanting peace and forgiveness from us all.” The detained man’s sister told the Pool. Meanwhile, the Pastor has resolved that he would bring the matter of his son’s detention to Mr. Omrie Golley, the new political leader of the RUF as soon as Mr. Golley arrives in Freetown. RUF Marshall Troops To Counter Guinean Invasion Reports reaching this press from the Northern District of Kambia states that rebels of the Revolutionary United Front are making massive military build up in Mambolo to counter Guinean military invasion in the Samu chiefdom in Kambia. According to one Sulaiman S. Bangura, a school teacher at Rokupr, the military build up has been in progress for the past two weeks. He said the rebels have assembled troops from Makeni, Kono, Kailahun and other RUF controlled areas to launch the final onslaught on the Guinean army, whom they have described as foreign aggression. Mr. Bangura further disclosed of the military tension in the township as rebels continue to flood the town from these areas every now and then. “We are not going to allow foreigners to invade our country with impunity. It is better to die now rather than allowing this naked aggression to continue,” one of the RUF commander at Rokupr was quoted as saying. Boat Owners Union Kicks Out Executive Turmoil is presently brewing within the executive of the Sierra Leone United Boat Owners Association and the rank and file of its members. Last week, members of the Union took the bold step to kick out the executive headed by Mr Sheku Tejan Turay and appointed an Interim body to steer the ship of the Union. According to a release from the members and signed by one Alimamy B.S. Fofanah, spokesman of the Revolutionary Group, the executive lacks accountability, transparency and rules unilaterally, thereby bastardising the Constitution. The kicked out executive, according to members has been in office since July 17, 1988 and has failed to call up elections in 1998, as stipulated by the Constitution. Sheku Tejan Turay’s 26-man executive was accused of demanding the sum of Le500,000 (half a million) from every boat leaving the port of Freetown for Guinea. “This is frustrating. They keep demanding fabulous sums from members and never account for these monies. They never provide safety gadgets but keep telling lies. They are very incompetent,” said an angry Osman T.S. Conteh. A meeting was summoned last Saturday, to address members but ended in fiasco. Reports reaching this press indicates that wives and relatives of the dismissed executive are going about threatening to cause trouble and are presently engaged in the use of abusive languages against the dessident group. These members have vowed to take drastic action if the executive members refuse to vacate their seats. Members of the Interim set up are; Achimu Kamara, Tamba Sandy, Alimamy B.S. Fofanah, Adikali Scholar Kamara,Ishmael Serry, Abu Bakarr Serry and Osman T.S. Conteh. Meanwhile,the accused executive have stated that they will not vacate their seats on what they refer to as flimsy accussations.The president Mr Sheku Turay has stated that they are not in position to listen to any body that is not a registered member of the association. UNAMSIL Plans To Drag Kabbah, Sankoh to peace talks Again The UNAMSIL Spokesman, Magaret Novicki, has said that the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone is to help bring peace and that the UN is in total support of the peaceful political dialogue. She said UNAMSIL is extremely ready to facilitate another peace talks between the government of President Kabbah and the RUF. The UNAMSIL Spokesman was speaking during the weekly Security Talk on 98.1 FM Radio which also comprises panelists from the Military and the Ombudsman, Francis Gabbidon. In his contribution, Mr.. Gabbidon said he supports the initiative of another peace talks with the RUF, but expressed reservations on the reappointment of Omrie Golley in the political fold of the RUF. Gabbidon said he is in serious doubts as to whether Golley still commands respect from the top brass of the RUF, especially when it was clear that he fell apart with Sankoh over alleged dishonesty. Gabbidon was of the opinion that either Mike Lamin, Peter Vandy or Paulo Bangura, who were former Ministers representing the RUF, but presently in detention, might be more respectable within the rank and file of the RUF than Golley. He was suggesting that either of these can be used to facilitate peaceful dialogue with the RUF. “These people had already been integrated into the Civil Society. I am sure Peter Vandy could have been a full fledge SLPP supporter by now, had it not been for the May 8 incident,” he emphasised. PAE Owes SLRTA Le169 M An American Company known as Pacific Asiatic Engineers (PAE) is owning the Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority a whooping Le169M (one hundred and sixty nine million Leones) Reports stated that the PAE, is claiming diplomatic status from the Foreign Ministry so as to gain indemnities from the government. Though the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had rejected their application for diplomatic status, the Company continues to operate in diplomatic manner by displaying its own private number plates, refusing to register its vehicles, neither obtain any authorised licences from the Road Transport Authority. “This is a complete insult to the laws of Sierra Leone and government must give its fullest backing to SLRTA to retrieve this collosal sum from PAE,” said an angry citizen. Ukrainian Troops Aid School Project The Ukrainian contingent in UNAMSIL based in Lungi, last week, donated a consignment of building materials to the Bullom Ahmadiyya Secondary School, to compliment the completion of the Pa Komrabai Peter Penfold building that is under construction. The consignment include bags of cement and a box of nails. The ten classroom building is named after the former British High Commissioner , Sir Peter Penfold. He sounded the point that it is the view of his pupils as it relates to the entire lot of the children of this country, to enjoy sustainable peace so that, developmental gestures as manifested by the Ukrainians, would be enhanced. “By this our children’s future would be assured and would be in the better position for the tasks of leadership in the future” Mr. Turay stated. He promised to put the materials to their intended purpose. He called on UNAMSIL to continue with their good work. He also urged NGOs to emulate such a fine example emphasising, “this will surely strengthen the base of the grassroot”. Mr. Turay pointed to the significance of this donation stating that it came at the right moment. He revealed that the completion of the building will ease the afternoon session and will serve as a relief to both teachers and pupils. He appealed for more assistance, expressing the concern that if the work on the building is not completed before the rains, the structure will collapse. Earlier on, the head of the Ukrainian contingent expressed his delight on behalf of the Special Representative of the Secretary General and the Force Commander, for being part of the Lungi Community. He stated that it is their wish to see this country enjoy her lost glory so that the children of this country would grow to be fine leaders. He described the people of Sierra Leone as “beautiful and accommodating.” He urged all Sierra Leoneans to embrace the objectives of peace of UNAMSIL. “Respect your parents, elders and your teachers. Listen well at school and let much of your time be devoted to your books,” he adviced the children. UnderWorld 69, A Club To Reckon With The Top Secret Underworld 69, a Social club, was recently formed by a group of vibrant and forward-looking youths whose sole aim is to promote national unity. A registered club with the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, the Top Secret Underworld gives both moral and financial support to its members in times of need. It also engages in meaningful fund-raising activities both for its members and the community at large. The club aims at encouraging youths who are pursuing positive ideologies so that they in turn will contribute towards national development. Speaking to this press, the President of the Club, Foday stated that some members had already started enjoying the fruits of the club. He mentioned the assistance given to members who did not succeed in the resettlement programme in Guinea. Another area which the President mentioned is that of football. He said the club won two trophies in a recent football tournament. On February 14, this year, the club staged a disco show at Josben Complex, something the President descreibed as very successful. On the future of the Club, Foday said they would be staging another dance to raise funds for their members. “We are ready to contribute to national development as Sierra Leone is our Country,” Foday said. The Club’s slogan is “Don’t try to gain the world and lose your soul.” UNHCR/SLPP Plot To Cleanse Konos By Sayoh Kamara This is been demonstrated by the government’s show of contempt over the liberation of their land that still remains to be plundered by elements of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). This sheer show of unconcern is apparently been climaxed by the diabolical attempt of the office of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), with the full consent of the SLPP government to execute a compulsory relocation of members of the Kono ethnic group to areas identified in the south instead of endeavouring to have their land free from the clutches of rebels. The UNHCR in collaboration with government has identified Jembeh and Gerihun in the South, a predominantly Mende-Kamajor area for the relocation of these people. The UNHCR and government are stating that they are at most trying to discourage the camp system, that has according to them, caused the high concentration of people within the city. They are however not concerned with the thousands of other displaced persons of diverse ethnic backgrounds parading the streets of the city. Last week the inmates of the Jui transit centre, which is of mainly Konos, were tagged by officials of the UNHCR, in a typical slave trade manner bound for the south. “This is against the UN charter on refugees,” stated one senior Kono citizen. According to reports from the Jui camp and other camps within the Western Area, the Konos have made several petitions to the office of the UNHCR and government, stating their concerns as to why they would not want to be relocated in the south. But investigations have revealed that these appeals have all fell on deaf ears. The Konos have suggested to the UNHCR and government that they instead be relocated to the north, preferably within Lokomassama Chiefdom, or within the Western Area, where there are vast areas of land. “But they insist on taking us to the south and we don’t want to go there,”a young lady had stated. The Konos are advancing the concerns that they would not be safe in the midst of the Mendes in the South as records have proven their hostility to their tribesmen. Late last year, Kamajors and members of the host community in Bo, set ablaze some thirty booths belonging to the Konos, and several others were beaten. Also, they are expressing fear of exposure to both the RUF and the Kamajors both of whom are still armed, and that there is no adequate security in the area. What is clear though is that the SLPP is covertly manifesting its disgust on the Kono people because of politics. They are considering the Konos, through the “DAWOH” (the pot) party of Late PC T.S. M’briwa that caused them losing the general elections in 1967, by switching allegiance to the APC. “This is perhaps why they are treating the Konos with such a sacriledged motive,” commented one political observer. The Konos, though a minority ethnic group, are part of the homogenous state of Sierra Leone. They have the right as persons to determine where they wish to belong. This not withstanding, they very much want to go back to their ancestral land. Kamajors, Ojeh Members At War By Abu Whyte Fofanah The people of Kagboro chiefdom in the Moyamba district are under constant nightmare as a result of the frequent clashes between members of the Kamajor militia and the Ojeh Soceity. It is reported that their relationship is tense and that it could degenerate into full scale war if steps to address their good relationship are not immediately taken. According to an eye witness of a recent clash between the two forces, Solomon Tucker, the Kamajors interrupted a performance by the Ojeh members in grace of the wedding ceremony of one Mr. J.P. Hamilton at Shenge. The eye witness explained that it was on mere information about the planned performance that the kamajors wasted no time in converging on the scene and succeded in aborting the planned ceremony. “They threatened to fight, kill and set ablaze structures within the village if the Ojeh members insist on furthering their objectives,” Mr. Tucker stated. In retaliation, the Ojeh members were also reported to have attacked Kamajors at Debiya some 12 km from Shenge Town. This battle lasted for several hours with both sides sustaining casualties. Reports state that the police could not help to contain the situation and had to ask for assistance from the UNAMSIL detachment deployed at Moyamba, whose arrival cooled down the situation. Pool Editor Off To The UK The editor of this press yesterday March 12, 2001, left the shores of Sierra Leone for the United Kingdon where he will attend a conference organised by the Freedom Forum, European Centre. Osman Foday Koroma will deliver a paper on the Press and politics in Sierra Leone in which he will highlight the relationship between the media and the SLPP government. Mr. Koroma will also be opportuned to attend the first anniversary celebration of Ibrahim Seaga Shaw’s Expo Times Online newspaper on March 15, 2001. He will also deliver a paper on Reporting In A War Situation. The Editor will meet journalists such as Kofi Akosah Sarpong, Claudia Anthony, Leeroy Kabs Kanu and many others. He will hold private discussions with these people on ways of fostering the press in Sierra Leone. Mr Koroma is expected back home next week. Advocate On Drug Abuse For Youth The only recognised psychiatrist in Sierra Leone Dr. Nahim is on a drug sensitisation drive in all Secondary Schools. Speaking during the process at Saint Joseph’s Convent Secondary School ,Brookfields, in a mammoth gathering of students, Dr. Nahim said people sometimes use drugs without the advise of any physician and it always gives the negative side resulting to mental problems for the users. Dr. Nahim stated that there are categories of drugs and the most common ones are Djamba or Marijuana, Alcohol, tablets like Valium, Ataya, Tea leaf, Kola nuts and herbs like heroine commonly known as Browne -Browne and cocaine known as white powder. Dr. Nahim said the most common drug in Sierra Leone today is Opium or Djamba and it is planted in many parts of Sierra Leone. He further stated that since Djamba is sold for Le500 or less, youths tend to go for opium more than other drugs. The psychiatrist stated that the Djamba that is well preserved is more stronger than the locally processed one. He said the drug is easily available for consumers from the salesman, even though government is working relentlessly to see that this drug is eradicated from the market. According to Dr. Nahim, the problem in smoking marijuana is that it destroys the lungs and tampers with the brain. Youths and combatants are using the drug so that they will be brave to execute their duties at the war front, but it also does harmful things in their lives by leading them to abnormality. Dr. Nahim also mentioned that alcohol is found in all parts of Sierra Leone. He stated that the most popular one is Omorlay (boiled wine) and it has 90 percent of alcohol. According to Dr.Nahim, the Omorlay always destroys the Lungs, Intestines and even leads to blindness, hypertension and for female, leads to premature delivery. Dr.Nahim stated that Ephedrin is another dangerous drug that leads to destruction of lives. For those chewing kolanut, Dr. Nahim said they are going without food because Kola nuts dampens their appetites and most times lead to stomach problems. The Principal of St. Joseph Convent Secondary School;. Mrs. Florence Okerafo Smart thanked Dr. Nahim and his retired colleague, Reverend E.T.O. Cole for their adventure in educating the youths about drug abuse. *************************************** The Pool will now be published online SEVERAL times a week. Thanks for your kind words and all your support.